Friday, 1 May 2020

Term 2 Week 3: Friday

Kia ora koutou Room 2,

Here are the Must Do tasks you need to finish today. All the links and instructions are on the original Google Slides here.

  1. Sorting facts and pictures about solids, liquids and gases in Amazing Matter.
  2. Writing about the Baking Soda & Vinegar experiment.
  3. Going onto e-ako and finishing the M3.2 Measuring lengths using metres and centimetres module.
  4. Using Adverbs to add detail and description to your writing.
  5. Reading 2 Assigned Books on Epic, and updating your Digital Reading Log. If your Assigned Books have quizzes at the end, make sure you try to answer the questions.
To finish a task, you need to take a picture of it and email it to me or share it with me if you did it on Google Drive. If your task is on Epic and e-ako, the website will automatically let me know if you finish a task, so you don't need to do anything :-)

You also have several Warm Up and Can Do tasks you can work on when you finish your five Must Do tasks. There are also the two Fun Friday challenges - Build a word and Design a tile for the City Rail Link.

You will earn Banqer dollars for finishing each Must Do and Can Do task. I am carefully checking everyone's work and keeping track of who has finished their tasks, so do your best!

Remember to ask for help if you get stuck - we will have our Google Meet sessions today. This is the perfect time to check if your classmates also found something tricky - be bold!

Have a good day,
Miss J

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