Monday, 27 April 2020

Star Students Term 2, Week 2

Star Student Trophies | Star students, Star trophy, Trophies

It's great to see many Room 2 students continue to make a great effort in their schoolwork and persevering when they get stuck.

The Star Students this week are Anoushka, Zoey, and Tanisha. Congratulations! You will earn extra Banqer dollars.

These three students have stood out for the same reasons:

  1. Managing self: They worked on their learning consistently throughout the week. They picked their tasks and worked towards completing it, without becoming distracted or losing interest. 
  2. Contributing & participating: They persevered through challenging tasks. Persevering means being proactive and looking for different solutions to a problem on their own first. It can also involve speaking up during our online meetings or asking your family, classmates and teachers for help.
  3. Relating to others: They used technology respectfully when communicating with everyone.

Since Term 2 started two weeks ago, many students around the country have had to get used to a new way of learning and doing their schoolwork. I know that it can be hard to find the motivation to do a task by yourself, especially with many games, websites and other distractions nearby.

Remember that managing self, contributing & participating, and relating to others are important skills that everyone can learn. I hope all of you will try to think of a way you can improve in these areas over the next few weeks.

1 comment:

  1. Room 2, I have been very impressed with how you are all doing your learning from home. It is new for you all but you are doing an amazing job with self managing your work. It's nice to see you also having some fun.
    Don't you think Miss Jiang is doing a great job too with getting you set up with your learning!
    Take care of yourselves and your families. I'm really looking forward to us all being back together again. - Mrs Taege
