Friday, 24 April 2020

Coordinate Code Breaker

As one of their maths tasks this week, students practiced reading and writing coordinates by writing Coded Messages.

Here is the Code Breaker you need to use. Each letter of the alphabet has its own unique coordinate. For example, the letter T is on E9

Can you use the Code Breaker to read these students' coded messages? Don't forget to post your own coded messages for other students to try!

L11, E9, E6, N8
L11, E6, M10, D10
E6, H6, G3
I3, D10, B11, B11
G3, J8, A2, M4, H6, C4
E9, G8, M4, L11
E9, M4, A8, D10

L11, L7, G8, G11, G11, B11
M4, L11
L7, B11, G11, L11, D10, G3
M10, G11, A2
A8, G11, A2, D10
E9, M4, A8, D10

E9, G8, M4, L11
L11, E6, E9, J8, A2, G3, E6, N8
I3, D10
L7, D10, B11, D10, I10, A2, E6, E9, D10
E6, H6, N2, E6, L7
G3, E6, N8

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